Why do you write poetry?
Appreciation, relationships, empathy, emotion, creativity, humility, ego-boost, what's your reason for writing poetry? I believe it depends on your mood. I used to write poetry for a school I was an intern (OJT) at you know for functions etc and while they were good poems, I think well they never complained but the poems never really meant anything to me because it wasn't from my heart,well not really I just did my research on the topic and rhyme the words I would finish in a day if I dedicate the time.
I guess that is why people tell me I have a gift but the thing is I never really believe them especially when I have the main points as guidelines. The poems I cherish the most are the ones done from my heart and soul the ones that I can't say out loud but loudly on paper, those are the ones I love/cherish,feel accomplished about the most.
I'm not much of an open person i much rather die with my pain than reveal it to people, there are few people who know what I'm really thinking or what really bothers me and even with them I find myself getting too emotional and the thing is they don't even know all only segments of whats bottled up, so my best bet is to write the words on paper.
I then read it for my dad and my #1 supporter my GOOD FRIEND ASASHA DELZIN and when they ask if it was about my life and offer an ear I always shake it off and say something to change the topic.
I haven't written lately because I haven't felt motivated, my life right now is not the flowing life I am accustomed to and I feel like if I write it on paper it will become real (I don't want it to be real,not yet). Anyways enough about me, what motivated you to write poetry if you do? who do you read it to?
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